Blog, Reimbursement, Revenue Cycle, Revenue Integrity

Top 10 Insights from 2023

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We enjoyed sharing so many outstanding insights & events with you in 2023. We’re looking forward to an exciting 2024. Check out our most-viewed content from 2023. Look for more great content coming in 2024! Top 10 Insights from 2023:

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Cost Report Fundamentals. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Tim Powell provides a “101” summary of the Medicare Cost Report and details why it is so important to your reimbursement.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Disproportionate Share and Medicaid Eligibility Reviews (DSH) 101. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement Christina Brown provides an in-depth review of DSH & reviews key elements that can affect your reimbursement.

Coding Updates from IPPS 2024. BESLER’s Coding Manager of Revenue Integrity Services Kristen Eglintine, summarizes the key aspects of the 2024 final rule with an emphasis on guideline changes.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Medicare Bad Debts. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement Christina Brown provides a “101” summary of Medicare Bad debts, including regulatory requirements and best practices.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Bed Management. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant, Tim Powell, gives an overview of Bed Management and how it can affect your organization’s reimbursement.

FY 2024 IPPS Final Rule Summary. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Bob McDowell reviews the FY 2024 IPPS Final Rule and touches on the key changes and how they may impact reimbursement.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – IME & GME. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Tim Powell provides a “101” summary of IME and GME, while also detailing the new changes and why it is so important to your reimbursement.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Payments for Nursing and Allied Health Education on the Cost Report. BESLER’s Reimbursement Manager Andrew Kinnaman reviews best practices of Nursing & Allied health education payments.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – S-10 Updates. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement, Christina Brown, provides an insightful introduction to Worksheet S-10 and its impact on hospital Medicare reimbursement.

Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Reimbursement Updates. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement Services Christina Brown discusses updates to the Transmittals & covers the new changes to the forms in greater detail.

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