Revenue Integrity Solutions

Revenue leakage is a problem
that still plagues hospitals.
Healthcare revenue cycle professional

Revenue Integrity Experts serving hospitals of every size and region

BESLER offers a suite of services to address common mid-revenue cycle concerns. Whether you have an existing revenue integrity team who wants to recover more revenue – or no revenue integrity team – BESLER’s Revenue Integrity Solutions can help your hospital capture more of the revenue it’s rightfully earned – and stay compliant.

inpatient DRG validation icon

Inpatient DRG Validation

Improvements in coding accuracy from 25-60% translating to tens of thousands of dollars hospitals have recovered.
transfer DRG revenue icon

Transfer DRG Revenue Recovery

Ensure you’re identifying all potential underpayments. Even after another vendor review, our second sweep of the same claims often identifies 30% or more additional revenue.
physician auditing and compliance icon

Auditing Services

Rapidly identify compliance issues on medical claims for hospitals specifically interested in validating the compliance of their claims. Retrospective audit of technical coding encounters – focusing on specific services lines or procedures of interest.
medicare advantage transfer drg

Medicare Advantage (MA) Transfer DRG

Provide validation of impacted claims to ensure you’re identifying all potential underpayments for MA plans.
icon ime revenue recovery

IME Revenue Recovery

Quickly uncover Medicare Advantage shadow claims meaning more payments, more revenue and fewer headaches.


Accurately identify and report overpayments to ensure you’re completely compliant with Medicare regulations.
charge capture review

Charge Capture Review

Track a charge from the medical record to the detailed bill to the final submitted claim to the remittance advice.
ICD-11 Education

ICD-11 Education

COMING SOON: Receive 30 hours of self-serve ICD-11 education for your team, recorded for future use.
  • No costly software implementations.
  • Majority of revenue integrity solutions are contingency-based, no risk or out-of-pocket costs.
  • Revenue can be realized as soon as 30 days after onboarding.
  • BESLER has been ranked as the Best in KLAS vendor for Underpayment Recovery Services in the 2025 Best in KLAS: Software & Services Report.
  • Our Revenue Integrity solutions have earned the coveted “Peer Reviewed by HFMA®” designation.
  • We achieved HITRUST Risk-based, 2-year (r2) Certification.

What is Healthcare Revenue Integrity?

Healthcare revenue integrity includes ensuring compliance, coding accuracy, appropriate charge capture and reasonable pricing for services provided.

Healthcare revenue cycle teams are experts in every component of the billing process, but their primary focus is identifying issues that may delay a bill, resolving those issues and getting the bill sent out as quickly as possible.

This differs from a Revenue Integrity team tasked with educating staff and proactively identifying workflow issues. As the name implies, identifying all facets that could prevent a high level of hospital revenue integrity from being achieved is key.

The highly skilled members of Revenue Integrity teams must understand both the back-end billing process and the front-end billing process. This unique combination of experience gives them the insight to identify and overcome roadblocks to achieving consistent integrity in revenue.

True operational experts – across a health system.  Revenue Integrity professionals no longer spend their entire time at a desk located in a building apart from clinical staff – they now regularly interact with clinicians – building relationships and developing partnerships ensuring efficiency.

Guaranteeing the integrity of revenue is critical in these everchanging times. Healthcare providers are challenged to do more with less while treating a growing number of patients.

What Our Clients Have to Say About Our Revenue Integrity Solutions

You’re looking for a needle in a haystack.

“We know you are looking for a needle in a haystack. We appreciate anything you can find. I know you do a great job of finding this (revenue) and capturing it for us.”

Partner with BESLER for Proven Solutions.

man creating hospital revenue integrity and reimbursement strategies