Reimbursement Technology

BESLER offers several Internet-based solutions to tackle today’s hospital reimbursement challenges.

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Easy Work Papers

Easy Work Papers is our proprietary software used to complete Medicare and Medicaid cost reports accurately and consistently. Built by reimbursement professionals for reimbursement professionals, it helps you easily complete the 80% of the cost report that has little or no changes year-to-year so you can focus on the 20% that can have a significant impact on your hospital’s revenue. It can reduce the time you spend preparing your Medicare Cost Report by up to 75%.

>> Easy Work Papers

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Ensure your facility is reimbursed for every Resident FTE it’s entitled to. iRotations is used to manage and track interns and residents as they rotate through all of your facilities and contracted offices. Accurately calculate IME and GME FTEs and schedules for documentation purposes. Providers who previously used other tools for tracking FTEs have reported as much as a 20% increase in their intern and resident FTEs.

>> iRotations

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Hospitals can identify and document all of their potential Medicaid eligible patients and the type of Medicaid eligibility that each patient has using BESLER’s MCEL tool. This software provides auditable and verifiable supporting information for DSH calculations – based on an organization’s actual data – NOT estimates.


charge capture review

Dramatically decreases time to accurately and consistently generate and submit Medicare Cost Reports using proprietary software. Leveraging the integration between the cost report preparation of Easy Work Papers and the cost report submission of BESLER OMNIA allows us to further reduce the time to submission ensuring fast and accurate Medicare Cost Reports.


Related Services

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Medicare Cost Report Preparation and Review Service

Review and Preparation solutions to ensure your hospital submits an accurate cost report that optimizes revenue potential.

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IME/GME Reimbursement Services

Evaluate the accuracy of all GME and IME FTE caps to include any modifications resulting from CMS redistributions.

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Disproportionate Share Reviews (DSH)

Optimize your Medicare eligible days for a clean log identifying all possible accounts to enhance the opportunity to qualify for an uncompensated care payment.

Benefits of Using Easy Work Papers

Learn more about the benefits of choosing BESLER’s Easy Work Papers!

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